Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Becky Field Trip

Before Becky left for her mission we had a "Becky Day" and took her on a field trip and visited some fun sites with her. Dad came too, crutches and all!!


Can you find Becky?..................................................................................There she is!

Becky among the Lilies...

Matthew 6:28 "Consider the Lilies of the field...."

We told Becky we will come back to this spot in a few years when she has a wedding dress.....

Dad was good to Hop along with us


Go Becky Go.....................................................................I think she lost the race


Fort Washington was established in 1777 during the American Revolutionary War to guard the Nations Capital. It was built on a hill overlooking the Potmac River. It is bigger than it looks. We actually lost Becky inside there and sent out a search party looking for her.... It was actually another visitor that was there with his 8 yr. old daughter and said it doesn't matter if they are 8 or 21 it makes you nervous when you can't find them. She was having a great time exploring.


We had a farewell dinner for Becky on the Sunday that she gave her wonderful Talk in Sacrament meeting. We invited a few of her friends that are still in the area and of course her loving family.



1 comment:

Jenny Stoker said...

Oh Becky! It was a lot of fun to talk to her on Christmas and hear her speak in spanish! She is making a great missionary and I know she will impact a lot of people. We love and miss Becky!

About Us

We met in the 8th grade and dated all through High School. We just celebrated our 30th Anniversary. We have six children - five daughters and one son. Four of our children are married and two are in college.